swipe left, swipe right

In our contemporary society built around marketing, we are conditioned to react to products based on packaging. An interactive installation created in 2019, Swipe Left, Swipe Right plays upon the idea that smartphone dating profiles allow users only one image to communicate the complexity of who they are. Other users then make judgements about who are based largely on that one image. Swipe Left, Swipe Right features different Animoji characters as bleach bottle labels. The labels allude to the notion that, just as we judge products by their packaging, we have begun to judge people by one curated image. Swipe Left, Swipe Right explores how individuals invent ways to assert their personalities on image-based dating apps that otherwise reduce their profiles to solely their appearances.

Visitors are invited to interact with the installation by “swiping left” or “swiping right” in response to the Animoji characters on each bleach bottle, simulating the experience of using a dating app.